среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

hagaman carpet::Don karlin wrote to set me straight on a couple of items in my chapter on carpeting hagaman carpet

hagaman carpet hagaman carpet::Don karlin wrote to set me straight on a couple of items in my chapter on carpeting.
In the spirit of open discourse i publish his polite but concerned letter below: mr.
Rayment, i ran across your website doing a search for something else.
Naturally, all the calculations you have made will be in square feet.
Carpet stores traditionally post square yard pricing, and recently also post square foot pricing.
I travel the entire country visiting retailers, and i have never seen a price quoted or posted by the lineal foot.
Except perhaps for roll runner at home depot.
He may have a point, but salespeople are not always good at figuring which way carpet should lay.
Every extra linear foot they sell means more bucks for them and every extra bit of carpet you buy is an extra bit of carpet that you have to get rid of when the installers are finished.
The installers will leave your scraps piled in the middle of the room like so many beaver pelts.
Rayment, the flooring business is extremely competitive.
Additionally, any salesperson that attempts to spend the time and explain seam layout is doing a good job.
At least then the consumer is not dissappointed when a seam ends up where she did not expect it.
If this was your experience, your flooring contractor was simply the bottom of the barrel.
Thanks for letting me vent.

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